The Leader in Digital Music Distribution
Zojak is the world’s leader in MCN YouTube partnerships and monetization of assets. Zojak has direct agreements with all music services globally. Zojak utilizes advertising on social media, marketing & promotion and an in-house e-mail blasting service for your content. Zojak offers timely reporting & royalties, real-time analytics, fair and transparent agreements, that personal touch, and results you deserve.
Why Choose Zojak?
- We don’t just put your music up; we plan your release
- Advertising with IG/FB for your release
- Marketing and Promo from small to large available to all clients
- We get your music seen & heard globally
- Ability to have interaction with the Zojak team
- Better agreement terms
- More money to you as the artist/producer/indie label or rights holder
- Free ISRC Codes, UPC Codes
- In-house Graphics Design team for videos and Artwork
- We are pioneering animation in the music world and continue to evolve to present your art form in its boldest form
- Login for music upload portal and daily sales and streaming trends
- Vevo channel creation and free uploads
- YouTube monetization and fingerprinting that works for you
- YouTube music video premiers
- In-house email blasting service to thousands of industry music insiders worldwide
- Login directly to your royalties account and get all the data and reporting you need on demand!

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Get an Odesli Smart Link
Share music on every streaming platform with a single, customizable smart link.